The Versatility Of Veneers

Dental veneers improve tooth size, shape and color. However, these porcelain laminates are so much more. In the hands of your West Los Angeles, CA, dentist, Dr. Sally Yousefi, veneers provide durability and true artistry to otherwise ordinary smiles. Interested? Read on about veneers from Elegant Smile Dental.

Drab, dull, chipped

Does this describe your smile? It's time for a change. At Elegant Smile Dental in West Los Angeles, Dr. Yousefi crafts cosmetic dentistry treatment plans based on patient preferences and realistic potential for change.

Some people desire only brighter enamel. Others need tooth replacements and/or orthodontic care with Invisalign clear aligners. For you, porcelain veneers could resurface the front side of the teeth right in your smile zone. A detailed consultation, including an exam, X-rays and photos, will help you and your dentist decide what's best.

If it's veneers, plan on two additional visits to Elegant Smile Dental. Visit one entails dental resurfacing, or removal of a thin slice of tooth enamel, oral impressions and placement of temporary laminates. In visit two, your dentist removes the temporary veneers and cements the new ones in place. The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) says that this step is critical to long-term veneer retention and proper position and bite.

The versatility of porcelain veneers

The AACD also states that dental laminates improve smile aesthetics and durability all in one wonderful treatment. Veneers:

  • Improve tooth color when intractable stains detract from your smile
  • Regularize tooth shape, size and even the appearance of position (correcting little twists and crowding) and fill narrow gaps
  • Cover cracks, pits, craze lines and chips of all kinds
  • Add quite a bit of resiliency to the tooth structure

Taking care of veneers

Don't worry; they are not high-maintenance. Brush twice a day as you usually do; floss once a day as well. See Dr. Yousefi for a hygienic cleaning and examination semi-annually.

In addition, eat your usual diet, but avoid hard and sticky foods such as caramels and candy apples. Wear a bite guard if you clench or grind your teeth.

Change your smile for good

At Elegant Smile Dental in West Los Angeles, Dr. Sally Yousefi can deliver your vision for a beautiful smile. Porcelain veneers could be part of it all. Please phone our office to arrange your consultation. Call (310) 207-6453.

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