FAQs about Dental Implants

If you have one or more teeth missing, you can choose from several teeth replacement options to replace them. A more permanent alternative to dentures or bridges is dental implants. These are used for replacing missing teeth roots and supporting the synthetic replacement teeth. One of the best things about them is that they really do look like natural teeth and are comfortable.

If you’re interested in learning more about this treatment before you can talk to your dentist, Dr. Sally Yousefi at Elegant Smile Dental, West Los Angeles, CA, about dental implants, here are some FAQs about the procedure.

What Exactly are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are synthetic roots crafted from titanium. They are placed into your jawbone to serve as roots and support the replacement teeth that will be attached to them later on in the procedure. Essentially, they keep the replacement teeth in place.

Who are Ideal Candidates for Dental Implant Treatment?

If your overall health is good and you have healthy gums as well as sufficient jawbone that can support an implant, you may be an ideal candidate for dental implant treatment. If, on the other hand, your jawbone didn’t develop normally or has shrunk, you may need to undergo a bone graft so that you can buildup your jawbone before getting a dental implant. Dr. Sally Yousefi, your dentist in West Los Angeles, CA, will determine whether dental implants are right for you.

What Happens During The Dental Implant Procedure?

  • Your dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth and jawbone through physical exams and x-rays to determine their condition.
  • Your dentist will make a tiny incision and place the implant into your jawbone underneath your gum tissue and then stitch your gum back into place.
  • Once the implant site has bonded with the jawbone, which usually takes a couple of months, your dentist will then fasten the abutment (a post that will connect the implant to the replacement tooth) to the dental implant.
  • Your dentist will have an artificial tooth made and then fasten it to the abutment. Do note though that you may need several appointments to ensure that everything fits just right.
  • If you’re having multiple teeth replaced, your dentist may also use a fixed dental bridge to support the implants.

Other Crucial Things to Keep in Mind

You may need several appointments to your dentist to complete the dental implant procedure. You should follow your dentist’s instructions regarding recovery, aftercare, and maintenance to a tee. Your dentist will also schedule follow-up checkups that you shouldn’t miss to check your implants and ensure that they’re working properly.

To learn more, schedule a visit to Dr. Sally Yousefi in Elegant Smile Dental, West Los Angeles, CA, to discuss dental implants as well as other dental procedures that might fit your specific circumstances. Call (310) 207-6453 now to make an appointment.

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